Sunday 6 July 2014

Will Hillary Clinton run for US Presidency?

Hillary Clinton has called German Chancellor, Angela Merkel "the greatest leader in Europe" during a visit to Berlin and said it was high time America had a female leader too though without confirming that she would seek the job.
Clinton is widely expected to run for the White House in 2016 and has cited Merkel, the German chancellor, as a good argument for the US having a female president soon. Hillary Clinton said she would decide whether to run for president
"at the end of this year or early next year".
Clinton joked at the Schiller Theatre about her and Merkel's shared taste for trouser suits, and voiced admiration for the chancellor's leadership during the eurozone debt crisis.
I really think Hillary will contest the 2016 US Presidential Elections but she isn't ready to announce it yet. She's probably seeking good timing or playing political games like our own President Jonathan.

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